Hire remote employees that cost 80% less

Tamborin helps you attract, hire and onboard tested and validated talent from emerging markets without the financial, legal, and administrative headaches. 
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We found the best trained talents across Africa looking for remote roles. 
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Africa has an abundance of talents. But not all can find jobs.
of the population under the age of 25
Invidividuals joining the workforce yearly.
By 2035, 1 of every 2 people

We match the most hardworking, highly trained talents across Africa to remote opportunities

So many great, hard working people also have no jobs. That's why Tamborin Exists


The talent is out there, but it's hard to find the good ones.

Finding great employees overseas can be tough. Thats where come in.
  • Excellent English skills and already experienced with working remotely.
  • Talented individuals in sales, operations, customer support, finance, programming, creative, and more.
  • Culture fit! Candidates we send you are heavily influenced by western culture. That means you'll probably have a lot in common with your new African colleagues.
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Why Choose Us? 

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How do we select the top 5% of talents on our platform?

Tamborin's internal team recruits, interviews, and vets hundreds of talents across Africa who apply to our platform their skills, communication, and attitude. Then only the top 5% of applicants are allowed in.

Talent Application

Freelancers must complete an application including work history, skills, Internet reliability, previous clients. After review, eligible candidates may be offered a first interview.

Assessments and Skills tests 

We test every candidate who applies for technical, personality and professional skills.  We specialize in assessing these abilities to ensure they fit your team efficiently.

1-on-1 Interview

Every applicant who scales through the skills testing phase is invited to a 1v1 interview with our recruiters. We conduct a work history review to make sure the individual meets our standards.

Onboarding & Placement

Once an individual successfully scales through our screening process, we invite them to participate in an onboarding, work readiness course delivered by our team. They need to complete the course before they can be placed with our partners.
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Onboard Technical & Operations talents into your team in as little as 72 hours

Talented individuals in sales, operations, customer support, finance, programming, creative, ready to join your team.

What Our Client Are Saying

Using Tamborin made finding top freelancers a breeze! Their vetted talent took our project to the next level
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Ife Johnson
Thanks to Tamborin, I bagged an amazing developer who not only delivered top-notch results but also saved me some bucks.
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Anu Adasolum
Tamborin saved us time and effort in hiring freelancers. The process was seamless, and the quality of work was outstanding." - Jennifer S
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Get more done faster. Hire pre-vetted technical talent in 48 hours
Freelancers Selected
Reduce expenses
Vetted Talents

Ready to work together?